

Hermandad de Sigma Iota Alpha Inc.

In Fall of 2014, the Beta Eta chapter of Hermandad de Sigma Iota Alpha, Inc. was established at Clemson University as the first multicultural Greek organization. We continued to be the first and only Latin-Based sorority at Clemson University and strive to promote awareness of the Latino culture. The lovely ladies stand for awareness of the Latino Culture; promote sisterhood, diversity, and leadership; and strive for academic excellence and achievement.

Delta Phi Lambda Sorority Inc.

In the Spring of 2016, the Sigma Chapter of Delta Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. was established at Clemson University as the third multicultural greek organization and is the first and only Asian-interest sorority in South Carolina. Delta Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. advocates Asian awareness and empowers women leaders through its values-based programs and everlasting sisterhood.

Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Inc.

In the Fall of 2019, The Rho Zeta chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. was brought to Clemson University. We are a multicultural organization, but was originally founded as Latina-based. It is open to women of all shapes, colors, sizes, and ethnicities.


Expanding Groups

The MGC at Clemson University is currently expanding to two organizations in this upcoming academic year! To learn more find information here:


Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity Inc.

Lambda Phi Epsilon strives is to promote Lambda Phi Epsilon and its members by:

  • Providing active members with leadership training and hands-on experience, for both personal growth and academic achievement.

  • Promoting leadership of alumni in the community, creating opportunities, and encouraging the spirit of fellowship.

  • Promoting positive Asian American awareness and providing philanthropy to the community.


alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority Inc.

alpha Kappa Delta Phi provides our members with lifelong empowerment, support, and friendships through sisterhood. With more than 9,000 sisters globally, we strive to live by our core values and advance our pillars - sisterhood, leadership, scholarship, service, and Asian-Awareness.